Charges Against Netanyahu in Submarine Affair Dismissed
September 12, 2024
10:10 AM
Reading time: 3 minutes

The State Prosecutor conducting investigations into Case 3000, also known as "the Submarine Affair" announced on Wednesday that they will not open a criminal investigation the possible involvement of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in unlawful practices related to the purchase of submarines for the Israeli Navy.
This comes in spite of a letter sent by the State Inquiry Committee in June which stated that "Mr. Netanyahu's conduct in the matters under investigation by the committee resulted in wide-reaching and systematic disruption in work processes, power structure, and harm to decision-making mechanisms in a number of sensitive issues. This therefore endangered national security and harmed the foreign relations and economic interests of the State of Israel."
"There is nothing in the warning letter from the Inquiry Committee itself that would lead us to change our decision not to investigate the Prime Minister within the framework of the criminal case regarding the submarines," declared attorney Yaron Golomb from the Taxation and Economics Prosecution Office in Tel Aviv.
Several NGOs and prominent individuals in Israel's legal community have been pressing for the State Prosecutor to procede with the matter, but now that the State Prosecutor has made a decision not to, there are limited options to pressure them to change this decision.
Meanwhile, Netanyahu is still facing the possability of prosecution in several other ongoing investigations.