Israeli Patience with Hezbollah's Rocket Fire Nears Breaking Point
September 16, 2024
9:31 AM
Reading time: 2 minutes

Public statements made by Israeli leaders in recent days indicate that patience with Hezbollah’s continued rocket fire into the Galilee is wearing thin. Behind-the-scenes developments point to a likely large-scale military operation that could dwarf previous engagements between the two sides.
Israel’s strategy will likely begin with intense airstrikes aimed at dismantling Hezbollah’s command and control structures. Hundreds of IDF aircraft are expected to take part, launching a massive barrage of missiles and bombs targeting Hezbollah’s command nodes, rocket-launching sites, ammunition depots, and positions along the border.
This aerial campaign will be supported by a coordinated assault from Israel’s artillery corps and navy, which are already positioned along the northern border and off the Lebanese coast.
However, the big question remains whether Hezbollah will heed calls to retreat north of the Litani River, as stipulated by UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which ended the 2006 Lebanon War. Should Hezbollah refuse, a ground invasion by Israel into southern Lebanon could become inevitable. The coming days will determine whether diplomacy or further military action will dictate the next phase of this escalating conflict.