Muslim Religious Group condemns Hamas and Iran

September 04, 2024

9:26 AM

Reading time: 1 minute 30 seconds

The Global Imams Council, a group of Muslim scholars and clerics dedicated to inter-faith dialogue, has issued a statement condemning Hamas for the murder of six Israeli hostages earlier this week. The statement, posted on "X" referred to murders by Hamas as ‘barbaric,’ acts, adding that “We are deeply saddened and outraged by these heinous murders, which violate all principles of humanity, religious teachings, and international law.”

The statement was issued from the Islamic Seminary of Najaf in Iraq, and also said that the Council considered Hamas to be solely responsible for “the deaths and suffering of all innocent lives lost since October 7, as their actions have not only brought death and destruction upon the region but have also led to immense suffering for the Palestinian people.”

The statement also added a condemnation of the clerical regime in Teheran, saying that “the regime in Iran shares equal responsibility for these tragedies, as its continued support and endorsement of Hamas's actions perpetuate violence and instability in the region."

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